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Is my if statement ignoring my conditions?

I'm working on a calculator app and I have given each button a value corresponding to their numbers or characters.

I have an if condition that's supposed to check if the user clicks any button other than "C" or "del" (delete) button. If they do click the "C" or "del" button, no value is added to neither the userInput nor the display.

The problem I'm having is that even when I click "C" and "del", the if statement would still execute.

let userInput = '';
const display = document.querySelector('.display');
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="button"]');

for (let button of buttons) {

    const value = button.value;

    if (value !== "C" || value !== "del"){
        button.addEventListener("click", function(){
            display.innerHTML += value;

您需要使用AND运算符,因为它不应该是 'C' 和 'del'

value != "C" && value != "del"

您需要一个逻辑 AND &&运算符,因为两个条件都必须为真。

value !== "C" && value !== "del"

I think people have made it pretty clear already that the way you've made your if-statement, it will ALWAYS come out as true, because it will always either be true that it's not 'C', OR it's not 'del'.

However, I thought I'd add another approach: using an array, and using the array.includes function

const badValues = ['C', 'del'];
if (badValues.includes(value)) {
   // value is either C or del
} else {
   // value is not C or del

It's easy to see what's happening if we write out the boolean truth table here:

|  value   | value != "C" (A) | value != "del" (B) | A || B |
| "C"      | false            | true               | true   |
| "del"    | true             | false              | true   |
| "banana" | true             | true               | true   |

The only way for this to be false is if both the A and B condition are false , however that will require value to be both "C" and "del" at the same time. Which is not possible for strings. Thus, because logical OR is used, the output will always be true regardless of input.

Instead, using logical AND is what you actually want to accomplish:

|  value   | value != "C" (A) | value != "del" (B) | A && B |
| "C"      | false            | true               | false  |
| "del"    | true             | false              | false  |
| "banana" | true             | true               | true   |

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