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How to hoist XML namespaces to root element

If I have an XML file with namespaces like:


<h:table xmlns:h="http://www.namespaces.com/namespaceOne">

<h:table xmlns:h="https://www.namespaces.com/namespaceTwo">
  <h:name>African Coffee Table</h:name>


I want to hoist all of the namespaces to the root element, like this:

<root xmlns:h="http://www.namespaces.com/namespaceOne" xmlns:h1="https://www.namespaces.com/namespaceTwo">


  <h1:name>African Coffee Table</h1:name>


Is there a way to do this? Ideally automatically resolving conflicting namespace prefixes, as in the example above. I haven't committed to using Linq to XML or System.Xml yet, so either would be a possibility.

There is one major constraint: because of the environment I am working in, I can't write classes. I can write functions, but no new class definitions.

Turns out this is pretty straightforward:

var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var namespaceAttributes = doc.Descendants()
    .SelectMany(x => x.Attributes())
    .Where(x => x.IsNamespaceDeclaration);
int count = 1;
foreach (var namespaceAttribute in namespaceAttributes)
    doc.Root.Add(new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + $"h{count}", namespaceAttribute.Value));

We loop through all namespace declarations ( xmlns:foo="foo" ). For each one we find, we put a namespace attribute with the same URL on the root element, and remove that one.

Demo .

Note that this does slightly odd things if you have multiple namespaces with the same URL (eg if you have two lots of xmlns:h="https://www.namespaces.com/namespaceOne" on different children): it puts multiple xmlns declarations on the root element with the same URL, but all elements use the last such namespace. If you want to avoid that, just keep a list of namespaces you've added to the root element.

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