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SAS Proc Freq Not Displaying Values

I am doing some simple cross tabulations using Proc Freq, but I'm noticing that the output SAS gives me doesn't contain any frequency counts; I'm only getting percents.

Here is an example code that I ran in SAS (I am using SAS 9.4):

data test;
  input year 1-5 group $6;
2018 A
2018 A
2018 B
2018 B
2019 A
2019 A
2019 A
2019 B

proc freq data = test;
  table year * group / norow nopercent;

I'm expecting a table that has the frequency counts with the column percentage below, but instead, this is what SAS is giving me:


Does anyone know how I can get the frequency values to be shown?

I ran your code and got this. I reckon there is something you are not telling us.


Thank you all for your help- I found the issue. It looks like there was an issue with the cross-tab frequency template that came with SAS. I was able to restore it by using the following code:

proc template;
    delete base.freq.crosstabfreqs;

Thank you all for your help!

@_null_ your image is NOT the output I get when running the questions code.

The Frequency and Col Pct are NOT in row header cells, and instead are shown in a box offset to the left from the table.


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