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How to get all attributes with same tag name with xmllint xpath

Sample xml-

<Tag name="attr1"></Tag>
<Tag name="attr2"></Tag>
<Tag name="attr2"></Tag>

How can I get values of all the attributes with xmllint, like this-


I can only use xmllint. I have tried this-

xmllint --xpath 'string(//Tag/@name)'

But this only returns first match.

Using string() will only give you the first match in XPath 1.0. If you remove string() you'll get all three attributes, but you'd have to post-process them to get only the values. I suppose this will depend on how you're running xmllint (what os/shell/etc).

Something like (tested with bash in cygwin)...

attrs=$(xmllint --xpath "//Tag/@name" sample.xml)
echo $attrs | sed 's/\s*name="\([^"]*\)"/\1\n/g'

Another option is to first get a count of how many Tag elements and then call xmllint that many times with a positional predicate on Tag .

Something like (tested with bash in cygwin)...

count=$(xmllint --xpath "count(//Tag)" sample.xml)

if [[ $count != 0 ]]; then
    for ((i=1; i<=$count; i++)); do
       echo $(xmllint --xpath "string(//Tag[$i]/@name)" sample.xml)

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