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How can I get the value from an attribute using xmllint and XPath?

I want to get the value of name and put it in a variable using XMLLint

<value name="abc"></value>

echo 'cat //body/value/@name' | xmllint --shell "test.xml"

/ >  -------
/ > 

So I want to assign the value "abc" to variable $test

You need to use fn:string() , which will return the value of its argument as xs:string . In case its argument is an attribute, it will therefore return the attribute's value as xs:string .

test=$(xmllint --xpath "string(//body/value/@name)" test.xml)

Try this, it's not beautiful but it works :)

I just erase lines containing > from stdout , cut the string to get the second part after the = , and delete "

test=$(echo 'cat //body/value/@name' | xmllint --shell "test.xml" | grep -v ">" | cut -f 2 -d "=" | tr -d \"); 
echo $test

An approach with a helper awk command that supports multiple attributes (a streamlined version of ego's approach ):

echo 'cat //*/@name' | xmllint --shell file | awk -F\" 'NR % 2 == 0 { print $2 }'

The awk command:

  • splits xmllint 's output lines into fields by " chars. ( -F\\" )

    • Note that xmllint normalizes quoting around attribute values to "..." on output, even if the input had '...' , so it's sufficient to split by " .
  • only processes even-numbered lines ( NR %2 == 0 ), thereby filtering out the separator lines that cat invariably prints.

  • print $2 then prints only the 2nd field, which is the value of each attribute without the enclosing "..." .

Assuming the following sample XML in file :

  <value name="abc"></value>
  <value name="def"></value>

the above yields:


I recently had to port my original simpler solution using --xpath to a platform lacking this feature, so had to adopt the "cat" solution too. This will handle multiple matches, tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and Solaris 11:

getxml() { # $1 = xml file, $2 = xpath expression
    echo "cat $2" | xmllint --shell $1 |\
    sed -n 's/[^\"]*\"\([^\"]*\)\"[^\"]*/\1/gp'

eg extracting instance names from a glassfish domain config:

$ getxml /tmp/test.xml "//server[@node-ref]/@name"

The sed post-processing just grabs all quoted values which was adequate for my needs (getting bits of glassfish config).


xmllint --xpath "//*/@value" file.xml | awk -F\" '{ print $2 }'

The next works for me:

xmllint --xpath '//o/@loc' file.xml | sed -n 's/[^\"]*\"\([^\"]*\)\"[^\"]*/\1\n/gp'

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