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WPF blurred opacity mask and a scale layout transform

In WPF, I have an image that I am trying to apply a blurred opacity mask with the following code:

            var target = new DrawingVisual
                Effect = new BlurEffect
                    Radius = 50

            using (var targetDC = target.RenderOpen())
                targetDC.DrawGeometry(Brushes.White, null, new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(image.RenderSize)));

            image.OpacityMask = new VisualBrush(target)
                Transform = new ScaleTransform(0.75, 0.75, image.RenderSize.Width / 2, image.RenderSize.Height / 2)

which achieves the desired effect

However, when applying the following LayoutTransform to the image:

            <ScaleTransform ScaleX="5" ScaleY="5" CenterX=".5" CenterY=".5" />

I get a very different result

How can I make it so that the blur effect seems consistent after scaling?

Not sure what exactly goes wrong with your OpacityMask. Something like this should scale as desired:

<Image Source="...">
                <Rectangle Fill="Black" Width="10" Height="10">
                        <BlurEffect Radius="1"/>
        <ScaleTransform ScaleX="5" ScaleY="5"/>

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