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Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'CONFIG' before initialization

The project created by CRA.



Then I imported at my src/index.js(which is root of project)

    <Provider store={store}>
                    <Route path='/' exact>
                        <MainContainer title={'Welcome to something'} />
                    <Route path='/dummy' exact>
                        <DummyContainer />
                    <Route path='/pop/:topicId' exact>
                        <Popup />
                    <Route path='/app' exact>
                        <App />

import 'utils/config';

I can access CONFIG from my component which is called from src/index.js

but error occurred that cannot access to CONFIG.

Is there anyway to put CONFIG in very first state?

THANK you.

make sure you exported it correctly. It should be either default or named export. try changes below


export default {

src/index.js(which is the root of the project)

import config from 'utils/config'

now you can use your config object as you want

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