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python import relative path 'No module found error'

I am in folder2 trying to execute trigger.py

I used:

from ..folder1.subfolder1.function1 import *
from ..folder1.test.py

got error attempted relative import with no known parent package


If you're running out of folder2 , then for all practical purposes, trigger.py is a module on its own, not part of a package hierarchy, and can't use relative imports to folder1 (because they're unrelated).

If you can, make your working directory the parent directory of Project , and invoke your script with:

python3 -m Project.folder2.trigger

which runs a module as the main entry point via import syntax, without losing the information on the package structure.

If the whole project is actually installed to system or user site-packages , your working directory won't matter (it's only needed if it's not in sys.path automatically, because the working directory itself is included in sys.path ), and the invocation will work anywhere.

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