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Deserialize Json into a C# Object

I am aware this topic has been previously posted. But I tried following them. However, my result is still not being shown. I would appreciate any help possible. Thanks in advance. :) I am getting the following error: System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

I am trying to deserialize a JSON object into ac# object to output the property score.

My Json output from json = toneAnalyzer.Tone(toneInput) :

  "document_tone" : {
    "tones" :
          "score" : 0.70123,
          "tone_id" : "tentative",
          "tone_name" : "Tentative"

I have carried out the following code:

    var json = toneAnalyzer.Tone(toneInput); // this is my json source

    DocTone myResult = new DocTone();
    myResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DocTone>(json.Response);

    foreach (var myTone in myResult.tones)

    //  Console.WriteLine(myResult);
    //  Console.WriteLine(result.Response);


public class MyTone1
    public double Score { get; set; }

    public string Tone_Id { get; set; }

    public string Tone_Name { get; set; }

public class DocTone
    public List<MyTone1> tones { get; set; }

You've got a slight mistake with the object you are deserialising to.

Your root object is not DocTone , but actually the object that has a property containing the DocTone object (via the document_tone element).

Define a root object (call it whatever you like) and then deserialise to that:

public class RootObject
    public DocTone DocTone { get; set; }

Deserialise and then access via the DocTone property:

RootObject myResult;
myResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json.Response);

foreach (var myTone in myResult.DocTone.tones)

The reason that you are experiencing the NullReferencException is because when you deserialise to a DocTone object, the tones property is NULL .

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