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LIKE operator not supported in arango search view

Arango Search does not seem to support LIKE operator.
Other supported operators are working fine.

Tried this AQL:

FOR s IN searchView
SEARCH s.name LIKE "somesubstring"

But it gives an error saying:

Query: AQL: not implemented: Unable to evaluate loop variable 's' as a part of ArangoSearch noncompliant expression 'LIKE([$0.name,"somesubstring"])' (exception location: C:\\vm04-windows\\oskar\\work\\ArangoDB\\arangod\\IResearch\\IResearchExpressionContext.cpp:62) (while executing) (exception location: C:\\vm04-windows\\oskar\\work\\ArangoDB\\arangod\\RestHandler\\RestCursorHandler.cpp:298)

Referred this: https://www.arangodb.com/docs/3.6/aql/operations-search.html
Other supported operators are working fine.

How do we achieve this in Arango search view?
LIKE operator or mimicking the same behavior.

Issue reference: https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb/issues/11176

LIKE (introduced in v3.7.0), also NOT LIKE The Alpha Version is Out now. You can test.

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