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Computed field on a tree view in odoo 12

I'm trying to compute a value to be displayed in a tree view, the problem is that my private function never gets executed and not setting the value for my computed field.

I've simplified the following code:

class ProjectProject(models.Model):
    _inherit = "project.project"
    assigned = fields.Char(string='Assigned multi', compute='_roles_assigned', store=False)

    def _roles_assigned(self):
        #do dome calculations
        assigned = ' test of 1' #'0 / {total}'.format(total=total)
        return assigned


as you see in the image the value is always blank

When we display computed field in tree view, it will have multiple records set. So we have to set value for each record set.

Try with following code:

def _roles_assigned(self):
    #do dome calculations
    for record in self:
        assigned = ' test of 1' #'0 / {total}'.format(total=total)
        record.assigned = assigned

You have to iterate over the records and assign some value to it, check the code below.

def _roles_assigned(self):
    for rec in self:
        rec.assigned = 'assign your value here'

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