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How to add condition to rolling window?

I have the following pandas data frame df :

COL1   COL2   COL3   Y
10     2      A      1
20     5      A      3
30     2      B      1
20     7      B      4
15     2      A      2
25     1      B      1
10     3      A      1
25     1      A      1

I apply rolling to y as follows:

window = 2
y = df["Y"]
y = y.rolling(window).apply(lambda x: np.max(x) if len(x)>0 else 0).dropna()

But now I need to add a restriction to y : the max should be calculated only over rows where COL3 is equal to A . If there is no A value in rows, then y should be equal to 0. For example, rows 3 and 4 (if we use the window of 2)

I tried:

y = df.rolling(window).apply(lambda row: np.max(row[row["COL3"=="A"]]["Y"]) if len(row["Y"])>0 else 0).dropna()["Y"]

But got the error:

IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices

We can split the y before the rolling and reindex fill the value with 0

y1 = y[df.COL3 == 'A']
y1 = y1.rolling(window).apply(lambda x: np.max(x) if len(x)>0 else 0).fillna('drop')
y = y1.reindex(y.index, fill_value = 0).loc[lambda x : x!='drop']

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