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ASP.NET Core hosted in a Windows Service - static files not being served (i.e. contents of /wwwroot)

I have an ASP.NET Core v3.1 application hosted in a Windows Service. When I run the service locally, everything works as expected. However, when I publish it and deploy it out to a server the static files (ie the contents of the /wwwroot folder) are not being served, eg


My service exists on my file system like so, and the wwwroot contains all the necessary files:


As per Microsoft documentation , I understand that the reason for this is because the working directory of the Windows service is the C:\\Windows\\system32 folder, which isn't a suitable place to drop the wwwroot files. How do I configure the location of the wwwroot folder?

In the Startup.cs class Configure() function, I needed to add the following:

app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
    FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(
        Path.Combine(workingDirectoryPath, "wwwroot"))

where 'workingDirectoryPath' was an absolute path to the directory where my service executable is, eg "C:\\MyService"

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