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Java Annotation Processor getEnclosingElement() method

Hello,I would like to ask what is the meaning of the comments of the getEnclosingElement() method in the Element interface, I do not quite understand. javadoc as follows:

Returns the innermost element within which this element is, loosely speaking, enclosed.

  • If this element is one whose declaration is lexically enclosed immediately within the declaration of another element, that other element is returned.

  • If this is a top-level type, its package is returned.

  • If this is a package , null is returned.

  • If this is a type parameter , the generic element of the type parameter is returned.

  • If this is a method or constructor parameter , the executable element which declares the parameter is returned.

Annotations can be used on classes, variables (global or local), methods, etc., but I don't know the correspondence between annotations and Element subclass. Thanks!!!

An Element can represent, as of Java 13:

  • A module declaration - ModuleElement
  • A package declaration - PackageElement
  • An interface, class, enum, or annotation type - TypeElement
  • A constructor, method, or initializer - ExecutableElement
  • A field, enum constant, method or constructor parameter, local variable, resource variable, or exception parameter - VariableElement
  • A type parameter - TypeParameterElement

Each of these elements can have annotations present. For example:

module-info.java :

module example {
  exports com.example;

package-info.java :

package com.example;

Foo.java :

package com.example;

public class Foo<@Qux T> {

  private final T bar;

  public Foo(T bar) {
    this.bar = bar;

  public String toString() {
    return "Foo{bar= " + bar + "}";
  • The module example , which would be a ModuleElement , has a @Foobar annotation present.
  • The package com.example , which would be a PackageElement , has a @Foobaz annotation present.
  • The class Foo , which would be a TypeElement , has a @Baz annotation present.
  • The type parameter T , which would be a TypeParameterElement , has a @Qux annotation present.
  • The field bar , which would be a VariableElement , has no annotations present.
  • The constructor #Foo(T) , which would be an ExecutableElement , has no annotations present.
  • The constructor's parameter bar , which would be a VariableElement , has no annotations present.
  • The method #toString() , which would be an ExectuableElement , has an @Override annotation present.

You can get the annotations present on these elements via the methods of the AnnotatedConstruct interface, which Element extends.

The method Element#getEnclosingElement() returns, unsurprisingly, the Element which encloses the current Element , if any. So if you were to invoke that method on the ExecutableElement representing the method #toString() then you'd get the TypeElement representing the class Foo .

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