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Installing graphviz in Windows10 64bit

I've installed graphviz, following the command given here , to use it with Networkx

conda install -c alubbock pygraphviz

But there is a problem while trying to run the code given here

raise ValueError("Program %s not found in path." % prog)
ValueError: Program neato not found in path

I searched a bit and found Neato missin g for 64 bit version.

Does this problem still exist? Is there a way to install Neato?

EDIT: Following the instructions given below, I have installed Graphviz in the following folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38

Could someone suggest how to proceed from here?

import pygraphviz as pgv

doesn't work.

So I tried,

pip install pygraphviz


pygraphviz/graphviz_wrap.c(2987): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'graphviz/cgraph.h': No such file or directory
  error: command 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\BIN\\x86_amd64\\cl.exe' failed with exit status 2
  ERROR: Failed building wheel for pygraphviz
  Running setup.py clean for pygraphviz
Failed to build pygraphviz
Installing collected packages: pygraphviz
    Running setup.py install for pygraphviz ... error

I'm not sure how to install pygraphviz now.

So the problem is that neato is missing.

As per your post seems like your system does not know where neato is. So add the directory where neato.exe is contained in to your PATH environment variable.

On Windows10, this can be done with Start -> Edit environment variables for your account -> select path in the window -> edit -> New -> C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Graphviz2.38\\bin\\

or whatever your install directory is.

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