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How to Retrieve data from firebase to web without using this get button?

So in this code that I need to put the ID to get the rest of the data from the table. But I need to get those data row by row without using any button. I mean I want to show all data in all tables without using the get button.

like this according to my firebase database


  1. name = sadsad, password = qwer, phone = 213213, username = 544
  2. name = lakshan, password = qwe, phone = 0715690431, username = 78788787
  3. name = Pakaya, password = 258, phone = 08454554, username = 258963258963

Html and JS code

 function getdata() { var user=document.getElementById("Admins").value; //firebase data retrieval function //path of your data //.once will get all your data in one time firebase.database().ref('Admins/'+user).once('value').then(function (snapshot) { //here we will get data //enter your field name var name=snapshot.val().name; var phone=snapshot.val().phone; var password=snapshot.val().password; //now we have data in variables //now show them in our html document.getElementById("name").innerHTML=name; document.getElementById("phone").innerHTML=phone; document.getElementById("password").innerHTML=password; }) }
 <html> <head> <title>Retrieve data</title> </head> <body> <center> <h2>Enter name of user to get information</h2> <input type="text" id="Admins" required="required"><br> <button type="button" onclick="getdata();">Get</button> </center> <center> <p>Name: <strong id="name"></strong></p> <p>Phone Number: <strong id="phone"></strong></p> <p>Password: <strong id="password"></strong></p> </center>

If I understand your question correctly, you're not sure how to call getdata() without physically clicking your button.

In your <script> tags, or in your script.js file, simply add document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', getdata) .

This will call getdata once the document contents are loaded.

Note that this still might be too early to get the data, if, for instance, you need to wait for a user to be signed in, in which case I suggest looking up the documentation of the authStateChanged listener. (That's the only part of this answer specific to Firebase -- otherwise it's just a JS / HTML question.)

Finally, as a general note, it's considered best practice not to put your JS inline with your HTML, but instead in an event listener, as described above.

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