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Q_INVOKABLE variadic function

In extension to this question: Pass variadic parameters further

I am trying to make the wrapper method Q_INVOKABLE static :

template <typename... Args>
Q_INVOKABLE static void wrapper(const LogLevel ll, QString&& msg, Args&&... args)
    CLogger::instance().trace(ll, std::move(msg), std::forward<Args>(args)...);

But MOC will not compile this code: error: C2061: syntax error: identifier 'Args' Is there any way for accomplishing variadic functions being esported to the QML part?

Basing on @RossRogers comment, I created the following method:


Q_INVOKABLE static void log(LogLevel l,
                            QString m,
                            QVariant v1 = QVariant(),
                            QVariant v2 = QVariant(),
                            QVariant v3 = QVariant());


 * @brief   A QML enabled wrapper function for the logger trace method. It
 *          allows to use the trace (printf style) in QML with up to 3
 *          parsable arguments.
 * @param   l: trace log level.
 * @param   m: message to be printed.
 * @param   v1: oprional parsable param 1.
 * @param   v2: oprional parsable param 2.
 * @param   v3: oprional parsable param 3.
void CSystem::log(LogLevel l, QString m, QVariant v1, QVariant v2, QVariant v3)
    CLogger::instance().trace(l, std::move(m),
            std::move(v1), std::move(v2), std::move(v3));

It is a very dirty, and most likelly now very efficient workaround that allows for parsing up to 3 values. Inside the trace method I ommit the invalid QVariant objects.

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