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Importing a package into all modules in a directory

What is the most canonical way to import a package into multiple files? Is the best way to import into a common module and then import that, or is there a way to do it somewhere like __init__.py?

This is the repetition I'm trying to avoid:


from typing import NoReturn


from typing import NoReturn


from typing import NoReturn

Practically no. The NoReturn or whatsoever must be imported from somewhere.

You could "inject" an attribute to a module from "outside" like this:

# this is __init__py

from typing import NoReturn

from . import file1
from . import file2

file1.NoReturn = file2.NoReturn = NoReturn


  • it's an ugly hack,
  • the attribute is added after the import, so it is of limited use:


# this is file1.py

def func() -> NoReturn:   # will fail, NoReturn undefined at import time
    raise ...

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