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Error in open.connection(con, "rb") : HTTP error 400 with R Studio

I want to get all articles on genome editing from the guardian api with R STudio. I tried some code and got several errors.

data <- fromJSON("https://content.guardianapis.com/search?q=genome%20editing&show- 

number_calls <- data$response$pages
api_calls <- paste("https://content.guardianapis.com/search?q=genome%20editing&show- 
size=200page=", as.character(c(1:number_calls)), sep = "")

DatafromCall <- function(x) {
    data <- fromJSON(x)  
    body <- data$response$results$blocks$body
    textContent <- vector()
    for (i in seq_along(body)) {
    textContent[i] <- ifelse(is.null(body[[i]]$bodyTextSummary), NA, 

for (i in 1:number_calls) {
all.data <- rbind(DataframeFromCall(api_calls[i]))


and I got Error in open.connection(con, "rb") : HTTP error 400

Genomeediting <- gu_content(query= "genome%20editing")

and I got Error in open.connection(con, "rb") : HTTP error 403

Any suggestions?

I got a solution with following code:


# APIs 
url1 <- paste("https://content.guardianapis.com/search?api- 
key=c3c4b8ff-bf4b-473f-832f-0440850a95be", sep = "", collapse="") 
query1 <- "&q=genome%20editing&show-blocks=body&page-size=1&page=1"
query2 <- "&q=genome%20editing&show-blocks=body&page- 

### How many API calls
firstCall <- GET(paste(url1, query1, sep = "")) %>% content()
number_calls <- ceiling(firstCall$response$pages / 100)
api_calls <- paste(url1, query2, as.character(c(1:number_calls)), 
sep = "")

DataFrameFromCall <- function(x) {
  data <- fromJSON(x)  
  body <- data$response$results$blocks$body
  textContent <- vector()
  for (i in seq_along(body)) {
    textContent[i] <- ifelse(is.null(body[[i]]$bodyTextSummary), 
    NA, body[[i]]$bodyTextSummary)
  TestData <- data.frame(textContent)

all.data <- data.frame(textContent=character(),

for (i in 1:number_calls) {
  all.data <- rbind(all.data, DatafromCall(api_calls[i]))

tibbleData <- as_tibble(all.data)

write.table(tibbleData, "GuardianGenomeEditing.txt", append = 
FALSE, sep = " ", dec = ".", row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE)

My experience with accessing APIs using R is that particular error means that there is a typo in the address. I have not accessed the Guardian using its API so I can't identify where your error is.

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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