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Slack Outgoing Webhook to Incoming Webhook in MS Teams

I'm trying to connect a Slack channel to Teams and to forward all messages to teams. I thought it would be as easy as using an outgoing webhook in Slack and and incoming webhook in Teams. However nothing is ever sent to Teams. Is this even possible without the use of some automation tool like Zapier or IFTTT?

I think there are probably a bunch of reasons this is not working - I can imagine there could be authentication issues, and also that the structure of the data coming from slack is unlikely to be what Teams can consume 100% as is. Basically, you're going to need some kind of intermediary, like perhaps an Azure Function or AWS Lambda (unless Zapier/IFTTT can offer something out of the box for this). Power Automate could be another option, incidentally.

As another option, you could look to a 3rd party that does something like this already, like m.io (Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with them, or even experience with their platform, I'm just aware of the existence of their tool).

With regards docs, have a look at Outgoing Webhooks for Slack and Incoming Webhooks for Teams . Even from the docs, you can see the format/structure is very different, so it's just a case of a small Cloud function to map input <-> output.

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