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CSS label:before with content styling not working unless id provided for elements

I have built a clickable am / pm button that is part of a time selector. It will be sitting inside a dynamic table (html table where the user can click a button to add rows to the table). Since it is in a dynamic table, I will be generating the elements and won't have much use of element id's when trying to access them in javascript (as I won't know them individually).

With the below clickable label, is there any way to achieve the same result without assigning an id to the checkbox?

 .text_toggle { display: none; } .text_toggle + label { position: relative; cursor: pointer; color: #aaa; } .text_toggle + label:hover { color: blue; } .text_toggle:not(:checked) + label:before { content: attr(data-off); position: absolute; } .text_toggle:checked + label:before { content: attr(data-on); position: absolute; }
 <input id="am_pm" class="text_toggle" type="checkbox" checked> <label for="am_pm" data-off="am" data-on="pm"></label>

Yes, you can make a label and put your checkbox inside it, then you add another element with your custom attributes.

 .switch{ /* other styles here */ } .switch > input[type=checkbox]{ display:none; } .switch input[type=checkbox] + span::before{ content: attr(data-off) } .switch input[type=checkbox]:checked + span::before{ content: attr(data-on) }
 <label class="switch"> <input type="checkbox" /> <span data-off="Off" data-on="On"></span> <!-- I made it with span, but feel free to use any other tag --> </label>

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