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ASP.NET Core how to pass parameter in service builder

I've read a very useful article from Michael McKenna blog about creating a multi-tenant application but I've a couple of issues. The first one in the TenantMiddleware class as Constants.HttpContextTenantKey is undefined, it's likely due to some missing code, I've set a constant string in the meantime.

The main issue is that I'd like to pass the tenants array in the InMemoryTenantStore class when I call the service at startup. I've modified the InMemoryTenantStore class

 public class InMemoryTenantStore : ITenantStore<Tenant>
    private readonly Tenant[] _tenants;
    public InMemoryTenantStore(Tenant[] tenants)
        _tenants = tenants;

but I don't have idea how to pass the array in the calling service. I guess I need to tweak this code

 public TenantBuilder<T> WithStore<V>(ServiceLifetime lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient) where V : class, ITenantStore<T>
        _services.Add(ServiceDescriptor.Describe(typeof(ITenantStore<T>), typeof(V), lifetime));
        return this;

But I can't find any example about this and unfortunately I can't reach the author blog.

For creating object instances through ServiceDescriptor with parameters you must to provide implementation factory to it, not just implementation type.

You can do this two ways:

  1. Just create instance directly before WithStore method.
  2. Create implementation factory for build TenantBuilder (using lambda or separate method)
// Creating instance outside
public TenantBuilder<T> WithStore<V>(V store, ServiceLifetime lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient) where V : class, ITenantStore<T>
    _services.Add(ServiceDescriptor.Describe(typeof(ITenantStore<T>), provider => store, lifetime));
    return this;

// Implementation factory
public TenantBuilder<T> WithStore<V>(Func<IServiceProvider, V> implementationFactory, ServiceLifetime lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient) where V : class, ITenantStore<T>
    _services.Add(ServiceDescriptor.Describe(typeof(ITenantStore<T>), implementationFactory, lifetime));
    return this;

this is what I did

public class Constants
        public static Dictionary<string, object> HttpContextTenantKey { get; private set; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();

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