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PowerShell - Copy files to all folders matching a certain pattern

I'm trying to copy certain files to all folders in a directory that end with .com. For example, lets say my file structure was like this:

Folder: SourceDirectory
    File: FileToDeploy.txt
    Folder: Server1.com
    Folder: Server2.com

The file structure after the PowerShell script runs should look like this:

Folder: SourceDirectory
   File: FileToDeploy.txt
   Folder: Server1.com
   Folder: Server2.com


You can discover all immediate subfolders matching the naming pattern with the -Filter parameter with Get-ChildItem :

$file = Get-Item .\path\to\SourceDirectory\FileToDeploy.txt

Get-ChildItem -Path .\path\to\SourceDirectory -Directory -Filter *.com | ForEach-Object {
    $file |Copy-Item -Destination $_.FullName

As per requirements, you can either store the path of file in a variable or directly use the filepath in second line of the code itself. Adjust the paths to fit your requirements. The following code works for you :)

$FileToMovePath = 'C:\FileToDeploy.txt'
Get-ChildItem C:\PathToMainDirectory\*.com | ForEach-Object {Copy $FileToMovePath $_.FullName}

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