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Not able to inject @Service and @Contract dependency in my resource class

On base of the guide from this blog, Roll your own Auto Discovery with Jersey and HK2 , I have the follow resource POJO :

public class TestResource {
    private TestService service;
    @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML})
    public Set<Test> getTests() {
        return service.getAllTests();

The TestService :

public interface TestService {
    public Set<Test> getAllTests();

The TestServiceImpl

public class TestServiceImpl implements TestService {

    public Set<Test> getAllTests() {
        Set<Test> tests = new HashSet<>();
        Test c = new Test();
        return tests;

The Jersey dependency in pom.xml is of version 2.25.1


        <!-- use the following artifactId if you don't need servlet 2.x compatibility -->
        <!-- artifactId>jersey-container-servlet</artifactId -->

In order to make Jersey scan the @Service and @Contract classes automatically , I used the inhabitant-generator plugin with version 2.5.0-b36:


There is the corresponding Feature implementation:

public class AutoServiceDiscovery implements Feature {

public boolean configure(FeatureContext context) {
    ServiceLocator locator = ServiceLocatorProvider.getServiceLocator(context);
    DynamicConfigurationService dcs = locator.getService(DynamicConfigurationService.class);
    Populator populator = dcs.getPopulator();
    try {
        populator.populate(new ClasspathDescriptorFileFinder(this.getClass().getClassLoader()),
                new DuplicatePostProcessor());
    } catch (IOException | MultiException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return true;


And it is indeeded registered through my ResourceConfig class:

public class ApplicationConfig extends ResourceConfig {
    public ApplicationConfig() {
        register(new AutoServiceDiscovery());

} However, I send request to the /test , got the following error:

MultiException has 3 exceptions.  They are:
1. org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for 
injection at SystemInjecteeImpl(requiredType=TestService,parent=TestResource,qualifiers=
2. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to resolve the dependencies of 
rx.practice.ee.jaxrs.resources.TestResource errors were found
3. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: resolve on 


Question: Anyone knows why the @Service class cannot be injected? I am using Tomcat server

After a couple of days research on the source code of inhabitat-generator , I figured out that in case of web application package, war , the locator file is not generated in META-INF/hk2-locator as demonstracted in the HK2 Inhabitant Generator office site in case of using jar as deployment package. The source code of AbstractInhabitantsGeneratorMojo.java told that in case of war , locator files are generated in hk2-locator , and this is not mentioned in the HK2 Inhabitant Generator office site .

However, when constructing the ClasspathDescriptorFileFinder without the directory names argument in the bootstrap class, AutoServiceDiscovery , it is only compatible with jar as deployment package, meaning it is only finding files in META-INF/hk2-locator .

So the better solution would be not to use inhabitant-generator plugin but the metadata-generator dependency, which is an annotation processor at compile time and, it is proved out-of-the-box .

If someone is persistent to using this plugin, he/she could create his/her own ClasspathDescriptorFileFinder so that it is able to find locator files from hk2-locator

Last but not least, I also tried to use the inhabitants-generator plugin's options to generate the locator files in hk2-locator , but this seems to be next to impossible as well

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