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Java Math logic

Hello I'm trying for the correct logic for the below statements.

  • If 'Bandwidth' is 250 or more below the 'Number of Users' (NumberOfUsers), then the VPN Status is 'A' (Bandwidth > NumberOfUsers+250)
  • If 'Bandwidth' is between 'NumberOfUsers' and 250 below 'NumberOfUsers', then the Status is 'B' (Bandwidth between NumberOfUsers+1 to NumberOfUsers+249)
  • If 'Bandwidth' is equal to or above 'NumberOfUsers', then the Status is 'C' (Bandwidth <= NumberOfUsers).

This is the code I tried

            if (bandwidthValue > numberofusersValue + 250) {
            } else if (bandwidthValue >= numberofusersValue+1    && bandwidthValue <= numberofusersValue + 249) {
            } else if (bandwidthValue <= numberofusersValue) {


        User Entered - 
                    BandwidthValue      =   1234
                    NumberofUsersValue  =   900

        Vpn Status Expected By the user - C 

    User Entered - 
                BandwidthValue      =   1234
                NumberofUsersValue  =   1234

    Vpn Status Expected By the user - C 

    User Entered - 
                BandwidthValue      =   1236
                NumberofUsersValue  =   1234

    Vpn Status Expected By the user - B 
    Unable to set any status - FAILING
  • Did not work for the third test cases.

Does the code above holds good for the values of BandwidthValue = x and NumberofUsersValue = y for these statements mentioned above?

Looking at the code, I think I'd expect that to come out with A, but reading the problem description I would indeed expect C

I think the requirement has been misinterpreted - from the description, it sounds like if users is say 1000 then bandwidth 750 or lower is A, 751 to 999 is B, 1000 or more is C. It looks like you have interpreted it the other way round.

Also the middle case needs && rather than ||

NOTE that the question appears to have been significantly edited and my answer may no longer be relevant, though it was when answered.

Try to use parentheses () . eg (numberOfUsersValue + 250)

A potential way of going about this based on your equations:

if(bandwidthValue > numberofusersValue + 250) { //Check largest baseline
} else if (bandwidthValue > numberofusersValue) { //Check second largest baseline
} else { //And finally use this for anything smaller

The following logic fulfils the requirement in your question:

if (bandwidthValue <= (numberofusersValue - 250)) {
} else if (bandwidthValue != numberofusersValue && (bandwidthValue - numberofusersValue <= 250)
                || (bandwidthValue > (numberofusersValue - 250) && bandwidthValue < numberofusersValue)) {
} else {


public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        // Tests
        System.out.println(getVpnStatus(1234, 900));
        System.out.println(getVpnStatus(1234, 1234));
        System.out.println(getVpnStatus(1236, 1234));

    static char getVpnStatus(int bandwidthValue, int numberofusersValue) {
        char vpnStatus;
        if (bandwidthValue <= (numberofusersValue - 250)) {
            vpnStatus = 'A';
        } else if (bandwidthValue != numberofusersValue && (bandwidthValue - numberofusersValue <= 250)
                || (bandwidthValue > (numberofusersValue - 250) && bandwidthValue < numberofusersValue)) {
            vpnStatus = 'B';
        } else {
            vpnStatus = 'C';
        return vpnStatus;



Feel free to comment in case of any issue/doubt.

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