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How to load a local html file into a NativeScript webview

I have modified the webpack.config.js to add a local file called index.html the code below :

new CopyWebpackPlugin([
    { from: { glob: "index.html" } },
    { from: { glob: "fonts/**" } },
    { from: { glob: "**/*.jpg" } },
    { from: { glob: "**/*.png" } },
 ], { ignore: [`${relative(appPath, appResourcesFullPath)}/**`] }),
new nsWebpack.GenerateNativeScriptEntryPointsPlugin("bundle"),

This is how I configured my webview in the main-page.xml file the code below:

<WebView row="1" loaded="onWebViewLoaded" id="myWebView" src="index.html"/>

In NativeScript, by default, the tilde ( ~ ) marks the app root folder (note the App and not the Project!). So if your file is located in <project-name>/app/index.html try setting the path with ~/index.html .

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