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Regex to match complementary subgroups of a folder's contents (webpack vendor bundles)

I'm trying to figure out two regex expressions that I'll use with Webpack to create two different vendor bundles.

Here's a simplified list of what my node_modules folder looks like:

  • autonumeric
  • core-js
  • jquery
  • jquery-ui
  • jquery.watch
  • marked

The first vendor bundle should be the "essentials" bundle, which, let's say, are jquery and core-js .

  • core-js
  • jquery

The second vendor bundle should contain all the other bundles in node_modules , except for jquery and core-js (That means the regex must match jquery-ui ).

  • autonumeric
  • jquery-ui
  • jquery.watch
  • marked

Here are my current regex expressions:

  • essentials bundle: /node_modules\\/(jquery|core-js)\\/.*\\.js/
  • "rest of" bundle: /node_modules(?!\\/(jquery|core-js))(\\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)+\\.js

The problem is that the second regex doesn't match the jquery* libraries, probably because of the negative lookahead starting with jquery .

You need to add a check for the / char after jquery or core-js since you need to only fail them as whole subfolder name:


Or, if there can also be end of string:


See the regex demo

Note I also suggest replacing [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+ with a more generic [^\\/]+ that matches any 1+ chars other than / , but you may keep your pattern if your requirements are more specific.

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