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how to use robot framework for value validation?

New to the world of robot framework. I have written a ppython program to compare the values of three comulns of a CSV file using pandas. So far so good. The program runs successfully. However, I need to use robot framework to create the test cases and show the results as pass or fail. Below is the python program:

import pandas as pd

# Reading the CSV file

df = pd.read_csv(r'xl1.csv', skipinitialspace=True, sep=',')

# Summation pf the two columns and giving results

sum1 = df['Gross_Salary'].sum()
sum2 = df['Deduction'].sum()
diff = sum1 - sum2

if diff == df['Net_Salary'].sum():

The above code is reading a CSV file, and adding two columns, and then compare the value with the 3rd column. If they match, then "pass", otherwise "fail"

CSV File:

Gross_Salary Deduction Net_Salary
100             20         80
2000            200       1500
300             0          300

Below is the Robot code:

*** Settings ***
Library     SeleniumLibrary
Library     Process
Library     BuiltIn

*** Test Cases ***
    ${result}=      run process     python  <path_to_xl_parse.py>
    BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings       ${result.rc}  PASS

I am getting below error:

PandaTest                                                             | FAIL |
2 != PASS
Pan                                                                   | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed

Please help, Thank you

"Pass" is not equal to "PASS". You should use identical strings in both codes.

And use

Log    ${result} 

to see what you get from script in first place. Printing values is always a good idea when searching for an error.

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