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Java: Calling in main implemented Interface Methods from a jUnit - Test

I have the following function :

public static String s(B b) {
        int t = b.t();
        String r ="Hello ";
        for(String z:s) {
            boolean x=b.f(t,5);
            if(x) {
        return r;

Which takes in B - Interface

The Interface B - Methods int t() and boolean f(int a, int b) were implemented in the same class within main as the following:

public static void main(String[] args) {
        A.s(new B() {                            //A - Class
            @Override                            //B - Interface
            public int t() {
                return 15;
            public boolean f(int a, int b) {
                return true;

Issue : How can i test the public static String s(B b) - function from a jUnit - test when the function asks for a interface as a parameter, when the interface methods were implemented in main ?

The Class is called A , Interface: B

When you want to test your s() method you can provide any reference to an object which implements the B interface. You can define an anonymous class which implements the interface as you did in your main() method. Or you can define a "normal" class which implements the interface as well. So you can write something like this:

public class Whatever implements B
    /* your methods from B */

Then you use this class like any other class inside your unit test:

public void checkSomething() {
    String result = A.s(new Whatever());
    Assertions.assertEquals("my string", result);

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