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How to move y-axis labels away from R plot using lapply in R

I have the following code (Thanks to an answer from @Rawr in this question ):

labes1 <- c("P(LNG)","","Volume(LNG)","","P(oil)","","Can.GDP","","US GDP","")
titles <- c("Levels","","","","","Log Difference","","","","")

par(mfrow = c(5, 2), mar = c(0.3, 6, 0, 2), oma = c(5, 0, 3, 2))
lapply(1:10, function(ii) {
  x <- plotdata1[, ii, drop = FALSE]
  plot(x, xlab = "Quarter", ylab = labes1[ii], axes = FALSE)
  axis(2, las = 1)
  if (ii %in% 9:10) {
    title(xlab = 'Quarter', xpd = NA)
  if (ii %in% 1:2)
    title(main = c('Levels', 'Log Difference')[ii], xpd = NA, line = 1)

This produces the following plot:


The obvious issue is the overlaying of the y-axis labels with the y-axis values. I have tried playing around with the mar() and oma() but these just change the margins around, I was hoping this would move things out of the way. How can I move the y-axis labels as separate from the plot? I will also be moving the margins a bit so that the white space between the two columns of plots will be closer together.

You can define the ylab separately, like what you're doing for the xlab, and set the line parameter to define its distance from the plot ( as stated in this post ).

I got a running example from combining your code and @rawr's from your previous question.

z <- ts(matrix(rt(200 * 10, df = 3), 200, 10), start = c(1961, 1), frequency = 12) 
z <- z * 1e5 # to make "wide" y-axis labels

## vectors of x, y, and main labels
xl <- sprintf('x label %s', 1:10)
yl <- sprintf('y label %s', 1:10)
ml <- sprintf('main label %s', 1:10)

labes1 <- c("P(LNG)","","Volume(LNG)","","P(oil)","","Can.GDP","","US GDP","")
titles <- c("Levels","","","","","Log Difference","","","","")

par(mfrow = c(5, 2), mar = c(0.3, 6, 0, 2), oma = c(5, 0, 3, 2))
lapply(1:10, function(ii) {
  x <- z[, ii, drop = FALSE]
  plot(x, xlab = "Quarter", ylab = "", axes = FALSE) # set ylab to ""
  axis(2, las = 1)
  title(ylab = labes1[ii], line = 4) # set the line at an appropriate distance 
  if (ii %in% 9:10) {
    title(xlab = 'Quarter', xpd = NA)
  if (ii %in% 1:2)
    title(main = c('Levels', 'Log Difference')[ii], xpd = NA, line = 1)

The code above outputs the following graph for line = 4 :


and this plot for line = 3 :


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