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Correlation and p-value of raster

I have 4 rasters and I calculated the correlation matrix with this code; but I need to know the p-value and I haven't been able to do it. Can you help me?


jnk=layerStats(a, 'pearson', na.rm=T)
corr_matrix=jnk$'pearson correlation coefficient'

You can use the corLocal function in the raster package:

b <- stack(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
b <- aggregate(b, 2, mean)

#flip one layer so values differ:
b[[2]] <- flip(b[[2]], 'y') + runif(ncell(b))
b[[1]] <- b[[1]] + runif(ncell(b))

#run correlation
x <- corLocal(b[[1]], b[[2]], test=TRUE )

#view pearson correlation and p-value

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