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Bash: find all files based on date range in file names

I have a directory with a lot of files named in the following date format:


with a com port number on the end. For example


These files are generated every hour by a script and the names are always in the same format.

I want to use the "find" command to return a list of files within a date range that I specify in a script, for example all files between "1 hour ago" and "1 month ago". This script will be run at random times and I always want it to search between that date range relative to the current date, so I don't want any hard coded dates.

I can get the date for 1 hour ago and 3 months ago using the "date" command as so:

bash-4.4$ date --date "1 hour ago" +%Y%m%d%H00
bash-4.4$ date --date "1 month ago" +%Y%m%d%H00

But I am struggling to get this into the "find" command properly. I have tried the following:

for currentfile in *.txt
        file_date=$(date +%s -d "${filedate:0:8}${filedate:8:2}${filedate:10:2}${filedate12:2}")
        start_date=$(date +%s -d "1 month ago")
        end_date=$(date +%s -d "1 hour ago")

        if [[ $file_date -ge $start_date && $file_date -le $end_date ]]; then
                echo $currentfile

But the console output is just a flood of these errors, seemingly one for every file:

date: invalid date 201703190300
date: invalid date 201703190400
date: invalid date 201703190500
date: invalid date 201703190600
date: invalid date 201703190700
date: invalid date 201703190800
date: invalid date 201703190900
date: invalid date 201703191000
date: invalid date 201703191100
date: invalid date 201703191200
date: invalid date 201703191300
date: invalid date 201703191400
date: invalid date 201703191500
date: invalid date 201703191600
date: invalid date 201703191700
date: invalid date 201703191800
date: invalid date 201703191900

Please help :)

date -d expects a space between the date and time parts. The "CO" is not a valid part of a time stamp, so remove it (there was a typo in your original code which resulted in an unset variable) and delimit hours and minutes by colons:

file_date=$(date +%s -d "${filedate:0:8} ${filedate:8:2}:${filedate:10:2}")

I created test files using

touch 20200{1,2,3,4}2{3,4,5}0200COM{1,2,3}0.txt 

Running the following script


start_date=$(date +%s -d "1 month ago")
end_date=$(date +%s -d "1 hour ago")

for currentfile in *.txt ; do
    file_date=$(date +%s -d "${currentfile:0:8} ${currentfile:8:2}:${currentfile:10:2}")

    if [[ $file_date -ge $start_date && $file_date -le $end_date ]]; then
        echo $currentfile

only the correct ones were printed:


As correctly noted in the comments by Léa Gris , you can use the YYYYMMDDhhmm format directly and compare the timestamps as strings. This way you don't need to call date inside the loop at all:


start_date=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M -d "1 month ago")
end_date=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M -d "1 hour ago")

for currentfile in *.txt ; do
    if [[ ! $file_date < $start_date && ! $file_date > $end_date ]]; then
        echo $currentfile

Note that the >= operator doesn't exist, so we have to use negated < .

As this question already got an answer, I might suggest an alternative approach which doesn't rely on correct file names. Instead, you could just read the meta data of your files and print them accordingly. The first date is the more recent one.

find . -mtime $(date +%s -d "1 hour ago") -mtime $(date +%s -d "1 month ago")

That might be more reliable and would work for other logging applications, as well.

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