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How to declare a nested dictionary in Python?

I want to declare a nested dictionary, with the key value pairs being a string and dict, with this nested dict having a key value pair of string and int). How would I go about doing this? Thanks!

The same way as you make a regular dictionary, except put it inside another dictionary.

outer_dict = {
  "inner1": {
    "keyA": 1,
    "keyB": 2,
    "keyC": 3,
  "inner2": {
    "keyD": 4,
    "keyE": 5,
    "keyF": 6,
    "keyG": 7,

If you wanted to annotate this with type hinting, you would do essentially the same thing, putting a Dict inside another Dict :

outer_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = { ... }

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