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Mocking a spring class with constructor injection

I have the following class:

public class SomeClass extends BaseClass {
  private final SomeService someService;

  public SomeClass(SomeService someService) {
    this.someService = someService;

  public List<String> methodToTest(SomeDataClass data) {
    if (!checkData(data)) { // checkData is defined in BaseClass and does lots of unimportant stuff
      throw BadDataException();

    return someService.getData();

I now want to create testcases for SomeClass using Mockito.

  1. Test that checkData() is called.
  2. Test that someService.getData() is called.

Using Mockito, I've managed testcase 1 with:

@Test(expected = BadDataException.class)
public void methodToTest_checkDataCalled() {
  SomeClass mock = mock(SomeClass.class);

  mock.methodToTest(new SomeData());

However, I have problems creating testcase #2. I can either create SomeClass manually with SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass(mockSomeService) , but then I need to create mock data for the extensive checkData() request, which I don't actually want to test in this testcase since it's already covered by a different test and which requires a lot of unnecessary mocking, or I can mock SomeClass like in testcase #1, but then someService is always null, no matter what I try.

I've tried variations of @InjectMocks, @Mock and such, but I've failed to create a workable solution.

Things I've tried:

private SomeService someService;

public void setUp() {
  someService = mock(SomeService.class);

public void methodToTest_someServiceCalled1() {
  SomeClass mock = mock(SomeClass.class);

  List<String> result = mock.methodToTest(new SomeData()); // NullPointerException at someService.getData() call
  assertEquals("Mock", result.get(0));

public void methodToTest_someServiceCalled2() {
  SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass(someService);
  List<String> result = someClass.methodToTest(new SomeData()); // Fails at checkData() call
  assertEquals("Mock", result.get(0));

How can I have a call a mock for someService while still mocking the call to the parent classes checkData()? Is it possible without refactoring SomeClass?

If you create a mock of a class there won't be any dependencies in it. Instead use a spy on a real instance.

Here is a working example.

private SomeService someService;

private SomeClass classUnderTest;

public void setUp() {

public void methodToTest_someServiceCalled1() {

  SomeClass spy = Mockito.spy(classUnderTest);

  List<String> result = spy.methodToTest(new SomeData());
  assertEquals("Mock", result.get(0));

I am not sure about you're 2nd test, afaik I would call the original checkData method. As you mentioned that is something you want to avoid, the solution should be similiar to the 1st test.

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