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Return "normal" variable from async Task Method

In one of my methods, I want to create a car like this:

public string[] CreateCar()
    string[] wheels = CreateWheels();

    // Also add motor and other stuff here
    string[] motor = ...;

    return new string[][]{ wheels, motor, ... };

Here four wheels a created and they don't depend on each other. Hence, I can place them in multiple tasks , do be parallelised. (In my real code, this is not possible with a parallel-for loop)

public string[] CreateWheels()
    Task FL = Task.Run(() => CreateWheel("front left");
    Task FR = Task.Run(() => CreateWheel("front right");
    Task BL = Task.Run(() => CreateWheel("back left");
    Task BR = Task.Run(() => CreateWheel("back right");

    // Here I really want to wait for all wheels to be created!
    string[] wheels = await Wask.WhenAll(FL, FR, BL, BR); 

    return wheels;

And one single wheel is created something like that:

public string CreateWheel(string position)
    // Here a wheel is created, whatever it takes :)
    return "wheel " + position;

My problem now is the following:
In order to get the code compiled, it forces me to mark CreateWheels as an async -Method. Otherwise I cannot use await .
⇒ But this forces me to change its return-value to be a Task<string[]>
⇒ However, then I need to put an await in front of CreateWheels() in the CreateCar -Method in order to get the string array and not the Task itself

⇒ Then the cycle repeats, since now, there is an await in the CreateWheels , forcing me to make it async ... and so on, and so on ...

This cycle repeats all the way up, until it finally comes to a void method, where you don't need to extract the return value with an await

What is the way out of this cycle, if I only want to wait for all wheels to be finished at the marked point?

If you want this to be synchronous, then Task.WaitAll may help, ie

Task.WaitAll(FL, FR, BL, BR);
var wheels = new[] {FL.Result, FR.Result, BL.Result, BR.Result};

If you want this to be asynchronous, you'll need to make the method async [Value]Task<string[]> , and propagate the async-ness throughout. Async is adhesive - it sticks to everything; but:

string[] wheels = await Task.WhenAll(FL, FR, BL, BR);

However, frankly, I suspect that there's no need for either in this case; parallelism isn't cheap - and is probably adding a lot more overhead than it is worth here.

It is possible to achieve parallelism by starting multiple tasks with Task.Run , but why not use a specialized tool for the job like the PLINQ library? Not only you'll avoid using the Task.Result property, which is notorious for causing nasty deadlocks when combined with await , but you'll also get the ability to define the maximum degree of parallelism as a bonus:

var wheelNames = new[] { "front left", "front right", "back left", "back right" };
string[] wheels = wheelNames
    .Select(x => CreateWheel(x))
string[] wheels = Wask.WhenAll(FL, FR, BL, BR).Result;

would do what you want. Those individual Tasks will still be run in parallel.

The downside is that your calling thread will block until these tasks are all resolved.

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