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Can not read some layers with OGR?

I am trying to read features from a WFS source with python using OGR and put them in a PostgreSQL database. To start reading the features in an iteration, I get the first feature first before going to a while loop going over all features:

feat = layer.GetNextFeature()
if not feat:
    self.log("error", "Kon niet naar de eerste feature in %s gaan." % layer.GetName())
    if feat.GetFID():
    print ("\n%s : Source feature met dit nummer toevoegen aan %s" % (str(i),uitnaam), end = '\r' )

The layer exists. I can even get ogr.layer.GetLayerDefn() from it which I use to make fields in postgresql before this piece of code is executed. This all works for most WFS services and layers , however, for some WFS layers, no feature can be read. It doesn't report an error, there are just no features. When I use my browser to make a request with the same srs and bbox, it does produce a list of features however. I really don't get why this works for most layers of most wfs services that I use, and for some it doesnt ? I have tried to achieve the same with the ogr2ogr console application. For the layer that doesnt work in my program it returns an error:

ERROR 1: srsDimension = 4 not supported

Would anyone have any idea what's going on here?


I found googling your error very little stuff, but could find that mostly results show that geometries have this attribute set to 2. Could perhaps be a bad geometry ? Try skipping if you can or try to correct it using requests module below before reading with ogr.


can you provide one sample valid request? I could not manage to get one that works...

In this case looks as ogr cannot read wms directly, probably because of the srs error with 4 dimensions. In this case I would try to make the requests using requests module and then get the response, convert it to a form ogr understands and then put that in database.

import requests
url = 'http://geoservices.vlaamsbrabant.be/FSW/MapServer/WFSServer'

After trying this request:


It seems to be a certificate problem. The certificate seems to be ok, yet the browser marks the request as "Not secure".

It may be necessary to request a certificate to be able to use this service?!

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