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Unity2D - How to move and rotate particle system around a circle?

I'm trying to instantiate a rain particle system to follow a circular path. The clouds rotate and move around a circular planet perfectly fine. The problem arises when the particle system is instantiated, it almost never has the correct rotation, no matter where it is spawned. I tried making the particles a child of the cloud, but that didn't work either.

Here is where I instantiate it - this is applied to any given cloud:

void UpdateCloudState(){
        if(isRaining == true){
            Sprite.color = new Color(.2f,.2f,.2f,1f);
                rain = Instantiate(RainParticles, this.transform.localPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
                isInstantiated = true;
            isInstantiated = false;
            Sprite.color = new Color(1f,1f,1f,1f);
            Destroy (rain, 1.0f);
            CloudMovement.speed = originalSpeed;

UPDATE : After extensive testing i have figured out that the problem is SOLELY when I instantiate a PARTICLE SYSTEM through a script.

-A fix that i discovered: I made an empty prefab the parent of the particle system and then that was made all into 1 prefab.

-I applied the Cloud Movement script (the one that moves and rotates around a circle) to that new prefab and it now works

-HOWEVER, it still does NOT work through scripting when I instantiate it.

I found an alternate solution for my specific problem. I still can't figure out how to make it work by instantiating it. I had to make an empty gameobject with the particle system a child of it, then attach that new prefab to the cloud prefab. and in the script:

void Start()
        Sprite = gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
        originalSpeed = this.gameObject.GetComponent<CloudMovement>().speed;
        stormLength = 10;
        currentPlanet = GameObject.Find("BigPlanet").transform;
        /////////////////This is the first step of the fix//////////
        ////This line sets 'rain' to the particle system/////
        rain = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject;

void UpdateCloudState(){
        if(isRaining == true){
            Sprite.color = new Color(.2f,.2f,.2f,1f);
                ////This if statement accesses the rain object and plays the particles when necessary///
                isInstantiated = true;
            isInstantiated = false;
            Sprite.color = new Color(1f,1f,1f,1f);
            this.gameObject.GetComponent<CloudMovement>().speed = originalSpeed;

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