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Zend_db & Zend_paginator - Not having a fun time

I am having a serious problem converting my 'select' statement into something that will work with the zend paginator... could someone have a crack at it, as I am having no luck...

Here is my query:

$query = "SELECT
            user_id, name, gender, city, province, country, image_id, one_liner, self_description, reputation
            (69.1 * (latitude - " . $user->latitude . ")) * 
            (69.1 * (latitude - " . $user->latitude . "))
          ) + ( 
            (69.1 * (longitude - " . $user->longitude . ") * COS(" . $user->latitude . " / 57.3)) * 
            (69.1 * (longitude - " . $user->longitude . ") * COS(" . $user->latitude . " / 57.3))
          ) < " . pow($radius, 2) . " 
          ORDER BY 
                (69.1 * (latitude - " . $user->latitude . ")) * 
            (69.1 * (latitude - " . $user->latitude . "))
          ) + ( 
            (69.1 * (longitude - " . $user->longitude . ") * COS(" . $user->latitude . " / 57.3)) * 
            (69.1 * (longitude - " . $user->longitude . ") * COS(" . $user->latitude . " / 57.3))

Here is what I have so far:

        $select = $db->select();
        $select->where("(69.1 * (latitude - " . $user->latitude . ")) * (69.1 * (latitude - " . $user->latitude . "))) + ((69.1 * (longitude - " . $user->longitude . ") * COS(" . $user->latitude . " / 57.3)) * (69.1 * (longitude - " . $user->longitude . ") * COS(" . $user->latitude . " / 57.3))) < " . pow($radius, 2));
        $select->order("(69.1 * (latitude - " . $user->latitude . ")) * (69.1 * (latitude - " . $user->latitude . "))) + ((69.1 * (longitude - " . $user->longitude . ") * COS(" . $user->latitude . " / 57.3)) * (69.1 * (longitude - " . $user->longitude . ") * COS(" . $user->latitude . " / 57.3))) ASC");

为什么在order by子句中有“ <”?

What does this have to do with Zend_Paginator? Ah, do you have the query and you don't know how to make a paginator with it, or is the paginator not working with this query?

The only thing I can see is you're missing an opening parenthesis in both the where() and order() clause:

$select->where("((69.1 * [...] ");
$select->order("((69.1 * [...] ");

So maybe Zend_Paginator isn't working because the SQL query has errors?

And of course I have to ask: are those variables you're interpolating safe, or should you really be using $db->quote($user->latitude, Zend_Db::FLOAT_TYPE) ?

Assuming you are using MVC-pattern, won't this work?

in your bootstrap:


in your controller:

$page = Zend_Paginator::factory($select);
$page->setCurrentPageNumber($this->_getParam('page', 1));
$page->setItemCountPerPage($this->_getParam('par', 20));
$this->view->results= $page;

in your view:

<?php foreach($this->results as $result) : ?>
    <!-- print some $result stuff here -->
<?php endforeach;?>
<?= $this->results ?>

then place a pagination.phtml example that you can find on zend manual -Lo

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