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React native Android fade animation flashing in loop

In React Native 0.61, I've got a pulse animation happening. It works properly on iOS, but not on Android.

Here's the code:

 state = { fadeAnim: new Animated.Value(1), springValue: new Animated.Value(0), }; runPulseAnimation() { Animated.loop( Animated.parallel([ Animated.timing(this.state.springValue, { toValue: 1, friction: 3, tension: 40, duration: 1500, }), Animated.timing(this.state.fadeAnim, { toValue: 0, duration: 1500, }), ]), ).start(); }

The loop happens properly, however on Android, right after the animation ends, opacity switches back to 1 before the spring value resets. Again, this doesn't happen on iOS.

Anyone run into something like this?

In your case, the default value does not seem to be initialized. Would you like to try this if what you're trying to do is a repetitive task?

      runPulseAnimation() {

        Animated.timing(this.state.springValue, {
          toValue: 1,
          friction: 3,
          tension: 40,
          duration: 1500,
        Animated.timing(this.state.fadeAnim, {
          toValue: 0,
          duration: 1500,
      ]).start(() => this.runPulseAnimation());

Finally solved it. Instead of starting with 1, and fading to 0, since the beginnging of my view is hidden behind another view with opacity 1, I was able to sequence the animations and fade in and out and start the fadeAnim at 1.

 state = { fadeAnim: new Animated.Value(0), springValue: new Animated.Value(0), };

 let fadeInAndOut = Animated.sequence([ Animated.timing(this.state.fadeAnim, { toValue: 1, duration: 750, }), Animated.timing(this.state.fadeAnim, { toValue: 0, duration: 750, }), ]); Animated.loop( Animated.parallel([ fadeInAndOut, Animated.timing(this.state.springValue, { toValue: 1, friction: 3, tension: 40, duration: 1500, }), ]), ).start();

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