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Is there a way to disable alert/confirm boxes using chrome extensions for a particular website?

I am trying to make a chrome extension that opens a url that prompts the user to open an external application. The chrome browser prompts the user with a confirm box(OK or Cancel). I want to disable the confirm box for that website only (for security reasons) so that it opens the application without it.

Edit: It is not exactly a confirm box. It is box that says, [Cancel] and [Open With external application].

In the page context, you could overwrite window.confirm so that it returns true immediately, rather than opening the modal:

 window.confirm = () => true; if (confirm('OK?')) { console.log('Going...'); }

If the confirm modal opens immediately on pageload, make sure to have the extension run at document_start so that confirm gets overwritten immediately, rather than after a delay.

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