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C++ binary search with vector of objects

I am writing a c++ program that is supposed to take a list of songs from a txt file and be able to shuffle, sort, and search for a song in the list. It uses a vector of objects to store the list to classify both the song and the artist. I figured out how to sort and shuffle correctly; however I'm supposed to use a binary search and that's giving me difficulty.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <random>

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <algorithm>

#include "song.h"

using namespace std;

// given to you
void processFile(vector<Song> &playlist);

// you should create
void shuffle(vector<Song> &playlist);
void Sort(vector<Song> &playlist);
void displayPlaylist(vector<Song> playlist);
int binarySearch(vector<Song> &playlist, string songTitle);

int main()
    vector<Song> playlist;

    // sets up playlist

    cout << "\nInitial playlist: " << endl;


    cout << "Welcome to the playlist display manager." << endl << endl;

        int option;

        cout << "0. Exit" << endl;
        cout << "1. Sort Playlist" << endl;
        cout << "2. Shuffle Playlist" << endl;
        cout << "3. Search Playlist" << endl;
        cout << "Which option would you like" << endl;
        cin >> option;

        if(option == 0)

        else if(option == 1)


        else if(option == 2)


        else if(option == 3)
            string title;
                cout << "what is the name of the song?" << endl;

                int songIndex = binarySearch(playlist, title);

                if(songIndex != -1)
                    cout << playlist[songIndex].getTitle() << " - " << playlist[songIndex].getArtist() << endl;

                    cout << "Couldn't find the song, sorry! :'(" << endl;

           cout << "invalid response...try again" << endl;

    return 0;

void processFile(vector<Song> &playlist)
    ifstream infile;
    string line;


        cout << "Successful songs opening." << endl;


        cout << "Couldn't locate file. Program closing." << endl;

    while(getline(infile, line))
        // first line --> song
        // second line --> artist

        if(line != "")
            string song, artist;

            song = line;

            getline(infile, artist);

            Song temp(song, artist);



int binarySearch(vector<Song> &playlist, string songTitle)


    int size;
    size = playlist.size();
    int low = 0, high = size - 1, mid;

    while(high >= low)
        mid = (high + low) / 2;
        if(playlist[mid].getTitle() < songTitle)
            low = mid + 1;

        else if(playlist[mid].getTitle() > songTitle)
            high = mid - 1;

            return mid;

    return -1;

//sort playlist using bubble sort
void Sort(vector<Song>& playlist)
    int size;
    size = playlist.size();

    for(int i= 0; i < size - 1; i++)
        int smallIndex = i;
        for(int j = i + 1; j < size; j++)
            //if first is less than small index then it is replaced
            if(playlist[j].getTitle() < playlist[smallIndex].getTitle())
                smallIndex = j;
        string song, artist;

        Song temp(song, artist);
        temp = playlist[i];

        playlist[i] = playlist[smallIndex];
        playlist[smallIndex] = temp;
//display songs
void displayPlaylist(vector<Song> playlist)
    for(int i = 0; i < playlist.size(); i++)
        cout << playlist[i].getTitle() << " - " << playlist[i].getArtist() << endl;



Here is what my main looks like. Every time I try to choose a song to find, it just ends the program and doesn't even display the message. I am pretty new to programming so any advice would be appreciated.

As mentioned by 1201ProgramAlarm, you are not doing anything with the result of your search, try something like:

    else if(option == 3)
        string title;
        cout << "what is the name of the song?" << endl;
        cin >> title;

        int songIndex = binarySearch(playlist, title);

        if(songIndex != -1)
            cout << playlist[songIndex].getTitle() << " - " << playlist[songIndex].getArtist() << endl;
            cout << "Couldn't find the song, sorry! :'(" << endl;


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