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Mocking shelljs with Jest - [TypeError: shell.exec is not a function]

As mentioned in my previous question about mocking, I am new to Jest and testing and I seem to be getting some curveballs.

This time around I am having trouble mocking shelljs in my CLI application.

Automocking jest.mock('shelljs'); didn't work and errored as:[TypeError: shell.exec is not a function]

So I went ahead and tried to use mockImplementation()

jest.mock('shelljs', () => {
  return jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
    return {
      exec: () => {}

To my surprise I am still getting the same error message

Any pointers would be much apprecieted.

UPDATE 08/04/2020 :

As per Teneff's reply below, the mocking works fine with:

jest.mock('shelljs', () => {
  return {
    exec: jest.fn()

Now I'm getting timeouts as my call of shell.exec() is async and have a callback that resolves my promise.

My goal is to mock shell.exec() to just resolve the promise, but it goes into waiting around and Jest times out.

As you're using shell as an object with .exec property your jest.mock factory function should return an object with exec property

jest.mock('shelljs', () => {
  return { exec: jest.fn() }

Taking onboard Teneff's answer I realised that the timeout happens, because I mocked shell.exec successfully however I have used it's async version exec(command [, options] [, callback]) so I tried first logging out the arguments and it worked.

All was left to do to call the callback and voila, my test works.

jest.mock('shelljs', () => {
  return {
    exec: jest.fn((_, __, callback) => callback())

Teneff answer worked for me. But as I wanted to mock different shell responses I improved it like that:

const shelljs = require('shelljs');


describe('Run the test suite', () => {
  test('it should ...', async () => {
    shelljs.exec = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ code: 0 }));
  test('it should ...', async () => {
    shelljs.exec = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ code: 1 }));

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