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Spring mvc from doesn't call controller

I'm new using spring framework and I'm just creating my own project in order to catch the idea. The flow of this is loging -> customer list -> select one cusstomer -> Pet list. I have a button on first page with a form in order to add a customer and it is working properly. However, similar code to a second button in pet page to add a pet is not working. When I try to save the new pet, it is returning HTTP 400 – Bad Request and nothing in the console


 <form:form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/pet/savePet"
                modelAttribute="pet" method="POST">

                <!-- need to associate this data with customer id -->
                <form:hidden path="owner.id" />
    <td><input type="submit" value="Save" class="save" /></td>



public class PetController {

    public String savePet(@ModelAttribute("pet") Pet thePet) {
        System.out.println("New Pet " + thePet.toString());


        System.out.println("Controller" + thePet);
        // save the customer using our service

        return "redirect:/pet/showListPets";

Any ideas what is happening?

Thanks in advance

I resolved my question, however I dont understand why, so, if someone is so kind to explain me.. better:) The problem was solved adding BindingResult paramenter to the controller method:

    public String savePets(@ModelAttribute("pet") Pet thePet, BindingResult result) {


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