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htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in laravel blade

I am performing an audit, comparing between old_values and new_values fields. All the modifications made are stored in the columns (old_values and new_values), in TEXT format. I have a problem wanting to show the fields that have been modified and correspond to the new_values column of my audit table. This is how I loop through the old_values column without any problem:

    <table class="table table-bordered table-hover" style="width:100%">
        @foreach($audit->old_values as $attribute => $value)         
             <td><b>{{ $attribute  }}</b></td>                                         
             <td>{{  $value }}</td>                                                                      

So I apply the same to the new_values column and can't access the modifications:

    <table class="table table-bordered table-hover" style="width:100%">
        @foreach($audit->new_values as $attributee => $value)         
             <td><b>{{ $attributee }}</b></td>                                         
             <td>{{  $value }}</td>                                                                      

This is the error:

htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

So I tried the following: 1) inspect with dd ($ audit-> new_values) Outcome:

array:4 [▼
  "category_id" => "2"
  "title" => "Mi cuarto post edit"
  "excerpt" => "Extracto de mi cuarto post edit"
  "body" => "<p>Contenido de mi cuarto post edit</p>"

2) Then probe with array_get Outcome:

  <td>{{ array_get($value, 'value.category_id'. default) }} </td>    


This is my audit table: I want to show the data of the row that is highlighted in red (new_values):


Can someone help me solve this problem? How do I correctly cycle through my array?


Perform a new test by creating a new post, then edit the same post to compare the old_values and new_values fields. Inspecting I receive this error on line 62


Based on your comment and edits, it seems like you have a value that is in the form of an array so you could try to print it as string using {{ is_array($value2)? json_encode($value2): $value2 }} {{ is_array($value2)? json_encode($value2): $value2 }}

For some reason, and to evict any naming problem while naming variables, I use other names to loop inside any collections or doing some stuff. Did you try too loop with:

<table class="table table-bordered table-hover" style="width:100%">
    @foreach($audit->new_values as $attribute2 => $value2)         
         <td><b>{{ $attribute2 }}</b></td>                                         
         <td>{{ $value2 }}</td>                                                                      

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