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Authenticating to Azure Key Vault locally using DefaultAzureCredential

I am attempting to run this 'Retrieve a secret from the vault' example locally (Ubuntu 19.10) to retrieve a secret from an Azure Key Vault:

from azure.keyvault.secrets import SecretClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

client = SecretClient(vault_url="https://<<vaultname>>.vault.azure.com",

secret = client.get_secret("<<mysecret>>")

However I receive the following error:


No credential in this chain provided a token.

Attempted credentials:

EnvironmentCredential: Incomplete environment configuration. See https://aka.ms/python-sdk-identity#environment-variables for expected environment variables

ImdsCredential: IMDS endpoint unavailable

Please visit the documentation at


to learn what options DefaultAzureCredential supports

The documentation on Service-to-Service authentication to Key Vault seems to suggest that I should be able to authenticate by the Azure CLI, and I've followed the steps to login via az login , select the appropriate subscription (which I've done just in case, despite only having one), and verify access via az account get-access-token --resource https://vault.azure.net which does return a token, however still receive the error above.

Am I wrong in assuming I should be able to authenticate after logging in via the cli?

And if so, and I need to manually set the environment variables described in the documentation link provided for EnvironmentCredential , what values do I need to supply for AZURE_CLIENT_ID and AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET ?

Am I wrong in assuming I should be able to authenticate after logging in via the cli?

You're not wrong, it's possible with the current preview version of azure-identity , 1.4.0b2 as I write this. With that installed, your code should work once you've logged in to the CLI.

... what values do I need to supply for AZURE_CLIENT_ID and AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET ?

These would be the client (or "application") ID of a service principal, and one of its secrets. The azure-keyvault-secrets documentation describes how to create a service principal and configure its access to a Key Vault, using the CLI.

Briefly restating that documentation here, you can create a service principal with this command:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name http://my-application

From the output of that command, "appId" is the value of AZURE_CLIENT_ID and "password" is the value of AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET .

Then, to grant the service principal access to the Key Vault's secrets:

az keyvault set-policy --name <<vaultname>> --spn $AZURE_CLIENT_ID --secret-permissions get set list delete backup recover restore purge

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