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React-Redux re-rendering after state changed

I'm trying to understand React+Redux. So, now I'm trying to fetch data from API, and faced with popular problem: when I change Redux state, it does not refresh my container component.
I read several questions here, most common problems are mutating state, and incorrect connect usage. I checked my code, everything looks fine. I suppose, that problem is in Reqct hook useState , in which I call my action generator.

export const requestAccounts = () => ({

export const receivedAccounts = (data) => ({

export const requestAccountsError = (errText) => ({

export function getAccounts(clientRef = 1) {

  return async function (dispatch) {
    async function fetchData() {
      let res;
      try {
        res = await fetch("https://wstest.grant.ua/stubs/accnts.json", { //добавить парамтер "номер клиента"
            method: 'GET' // *GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
        if (res.ok) {
          let resJson = await res.json();
        else {
          dispatch(requestAccountsError('Error during accounts request! Status '+res.status));

      catch (err) {
    await fetchData();
    /*I supposed that my problem depends on async loading, 
      so I tried to comment all above code and uncomment row below - also, 
      React did not re-render my component...*/

const initialState = {
    isFetching : false,
    isError : false,
    errorText : "",
    accounts : []

export function acnList(state = initialState, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        return Object.assign({}, state, {
            isFetching: false, 
            isError: false, 
            errorText: "", 
            accounts: action.acnList
/*I tried to write return { errorText: "123" } - also no re-render.. So, problem is not in 
mutating previous state*/
      case "RECEIVED_ACCOUNTS_ERROR":          
        return Object.assign({}, state, {
            isFetching: false, 
            isError: true,
            errorText: "ERRTEXTTTT",
            accounts: []
      case "REQUEST_ACCOUNTS":
        return Object.assign({}, state, {
            isFetching: true, 
            isError: false,
            errorText: "",
            accounts: []
        return state

import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import AcnListComponent from '../../MainMenuComponents/AcnListComponent'
import {getAccounts} from '../actions/actions'

const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
  return {
    acnList: state.acnList.accounts,
    isError: state.acnList.isError,
    isFetching: state.acnList.isFetching,
    errorText : state.acnList.errorText

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => {
  return {
    getAccounts: () => {

const AcnListContainer = connect(

export default AcnListContainer

And finally, part of my React-component code.


function AcnListComponent(props) {

  /*here I can see that props are changed sucessfully (according to state). But no re-render!*/
  const {t} = props;

  const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(props.isFetching);
  const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState(props.acnList);
  const [emptyMessage, setEmptyMessage] = useState(props.errorText);
  const [isError, setIsError] = useState(props.isError);

  useEffect(() => {
    if ((accounts.length === 0) && !isError) {
  }, []); //I need to call this effect only once, when component renders

Looks really strange, like magic)
Maybe, I do something wrong with useEffect , not with Redux? I need to make this request when my component renders, and re-render it with received data.

Just change const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState(props.acnList);

to const accounts = props.acnList;

Learn more on this blog post .

You need to do it to all props that change.


Long story short:

This is a common mistake of copying the props into state.

Because props change over time and you need to update the state to reflect the props change (so many unecessary re-renders). The best is to use props directly.

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