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How to find edge ids of some vertices in igraph?

I have an issue with get.edge.ids() function in igraph in R I need to pass odd number of vertices to it and get the edgeIDs between them but unfortunately it only gets pairwise vertices sample code to generate a directed graph:

Graph <- erdos.renyi.game(20, 100 , directed=TRUE, loops=FALSE)

how do I call get.edge.ids:

get.edge.ids(Graph, c("1", "2", "3)) 

I expect to get all possible edges IDs between these vertices but it doesn't work. I developed a function for this purpose but it is not fast enough. Here is the function:

insideOfCommEdgeIDs <- function(graph, vertices)
    out <- matrix()
    condition <- matrix()
    if (length(vertices) < 2) {return(NULL)}
    for (i in vertices)
        for (j in vertices)
            condition <- are_adjacent(graph,i,j)
                   out <- rbind(out, get.edge.ids(graph, c(i, j), directed=TRUE)),

Is there any way to to this faster?

You can use the %--% operator to query edges by vertex indices and then use as_ids() to get the edge index.

Please note, I'm using igraph version, so I'm using sample_gnm() rather than erdos.renyi.game() .



Graph <- sample_gnm(20, 100 , directed = TRUE, loops = FALSE)

as_ids(E(Graph)[c(1, 2, 3) %--% c(1, 2, 3)])
#> [1]  6 12

This matches the output from your custom function:

insideOfCommEdgeIDs <- function(graph,vertices)
  out <- matrix()
  condition <- matrix()
  if(length(vertices) < 2) {return(NULL)}
  for(i in vertices)
    for (j in vertices)
      condition <- are_adjacent(graph,i,j)
      ifelse(condition,out <- rbind(out,get.edge.ids(graph,c(i,j),directed =  TRUE)),next)

insideOfCommEdgeIDs(Graph, c(1, 2, 3))
#> [1]  6 12

Created on 2020-04-10 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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