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use findfirstfile and findnextfile to search in subdirectories

Pretty new here in the C++ world as I am more familiar with C#. I managed to get findfirstfile and findnextfile to work but i'm wondering if there is a simple way of searching thru different drives or even just subdirectories.


Yes, try to use std::filesystem, for example like this

    std::string tasksFolderName = "/home/user";
    std::experimental::filesystem::directory_iterator fit(tasksFolderName);
    for (auto& f : fit) {
        if (std::experimental::filesystem::is_directory(f.path())) {
            // ...
for (auto& p : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(<Directory to iterate>))
    std::cout << p.path() << '\n';

You can use above code. To use this you need a compiler which supports c++17. You can read more about Filesystem library which is introduced in c++17.

Hope this will help.

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