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How to show active state on hover/focus in two elements at the same time in Vue.js/Vuex

This is a Vue.js and Vuex related problem.

I'm building an aplication where I show a list of residences (ul -> li -> a) while at the same time showing those illustrations' position in an illustration, solved via SVG (active elements are path and polygon). If it was just the one element I could do show active state using only css, but because there are two active elements at the same time I need an event.

Previously I solved the issue by giving the residence, stored in Vuex, a hasFocus: false value, which I would change to true on mouseenter/focus and back to false on mouseout/focusout. With that I can add/remove a class has-focus to which I add the active state css. I have now redone the datastore to use Vuex ORM , after which I'm seeing worse frame rate drops when carying out the mutation.

Is there a better way of doing this than using a value in a Vuex (ORM) object model?

Some code:

In Vuex:

residences: [
  id: 1,
  hasFocus: false,
  […] // Other values, not relevant to this question
  id: 2,
  hasFocus: false

In ResidenceItem.vue:

    'has-focus': residence.hasFocus === true,
// Content

props: {
  id: {
    required: true,

methods: {
  toggleFocus(focus) {
      where: this.id,
      data: {
        hasFocus: focus,

why should "hasFocus" be stored in vuex? is there a need to be? if not, you should move it to ResidenceItem.vue 's data() . i think it is a just temporary state on vue.

    'has-focus': focused,
  @mouseenter.native.stop="focused = true"
  @mouseout.native.stop="focused = false"
  @focus.native.stop="focused = true"
  @focusout.native.stop="focused = false"

data() {
  return {
    focused: false,

if hasFocus is needed in vuex (which i think it is a bad idea), you should use normal vuex state to store like focusedResidenceId: null .

I can provide more detail explanation if you need. Please let me know if you so.

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