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How to fix ModuleNotFoundError in python 3.6

I am getting this error

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tests'

This is a common error but I don't know what have don't wrong.

This is how my file hierarchy is:

   '----> __init__.py
   '----> server.py
   '----> __init__.py
   '----> linearregression.py

I am calling predict function in linearregression.py from server.py

This is my linearregression.py

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import linear_model

def predict():


    return_this  = []

    return return_this

if __name__ == '__main__':

    returned_values = predict()

    price_is = returned_values[0]
    gradient_is = returned_values[1]
    intercept_is = returned_values[2]
    predicted_value = returned_values[3]

and here is my server.py

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

from tests.linear_regression.linearregression import predict //importing predict function here

PORT = 8083

returned_values = predict()

price_is = returned_values[0]
gradient_is = returned_values[1]
intercept_is = returned_values[2]
predicted_value = returned_values[3]

def price():
    return price_is
def gradient():
    return gradient_is
def intercept():
    return intercept_is
def predicted_value():
    return predicted_value

def hello_world():
    name = price()
    gradient = gradient()
    intercept = intercept()
    predicted_value = predicted_value()()
    return "<h1>Price is: </h1><p>"+price+"</p><br><h1>Gradient is: </h1><p>"+gradient+"</p><br><h1>Intercept is: </h1><p>"+intercept+"</p><br><h1>Predicted value is: </h1><p>"+predicted_value+"</p>"

def hi():
    return "Hi Jananath"

if __name__ == '__main__':
   app.run(host='', port=8083)

I am using python3.6

Can someone help me what have I done wrong?

Did you installed the "scikit-learn" library correctly?
If not them install it by using pip by running pip install scikit-learn .
And this should resolve the error.
If still throws an error, then try to reinstall it, by first uninstalling by running pip uninstall scikit-learn and then installing it again, by pip install scikit-learn .

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